The Harvard T-shirt


Almost a year ago I attended the National Institute for Urban School Leaders at Harvard University. When I had applied I thought I had enough time to save up for it because for sure it would take me a couple years to get it in. I have never been so happy to be wrong in my life. While I am still making up for the financial expense, I am reveling in the investment it has made on my life, the life of my children and the impact it has made on my students.

Personally, attending THE Harvard University was confirmational. Being accepted and successfully completing the week confirmed that I am enough of a learner. It was a dream I never realized I had until I arrived on that campus late that night in July 2014. Learning in that environment met all my needs as an Achiever. There was a moment on the airplane when I looked to my right and people were playing a math game I couldn’t understand and I looked to my left and there were people reading great books all around me. I had seen college T-shirts from every east coast prestigious schools walk on that plane. All of a sudden, I felt surrounded by awesomeness and worry that I wasn’t smart enough all at the same time. The experience of learning at Harvard, even though it was only one week, was more than I could have ever imagined. I count these kind of achievements as immense blessings on my life so that I can bless others.

It will forever change my girls’ understanding of what is possible for their dreams. My children and I had never been apart for an entire week. It was difficult for them and for me. It was a beautiful opportunity to teach them why it was important for me to go away from them for so long. In so doing, they experienced my relentless pursuit to grow and develop myself so that I can serve schools. Now they can see their mom’s heart for achievement, learning and growth in a new way. Now, they understand at a whole new level to what I dedicate my work life. We have had deeper conversations about why mommy can’t be home in the mornings when they wake up. When I look at my youngest daughter wearing her purple Harvard shirt, I know deep in my heart that I have planted a seed of possibility and opportunity with her by taking an opportunity for myself.

In the fall when I introduced myself to all the 6th graders in their classes and visited with my 7th and 8th graders, I talked about my summer epic adventure to Harvard as a goal achieved. It was amazing to see their eyes glint with possibility. I witnessed their hearts and minds opening up to the possibility that they, too, might achieve that kind of goal someday. When I was in middle school, I didn’t know anyone who had attended Harvard or any other school of that caliber. There is something quite magical when a middle schooler asks you if you went to Harvard just because you are wearing a t-shirt on a Friday. When you can see their mind shift, it changes the world by just a little bit. I believe that those little bits are what it takes to move us all forward. The impact that it has had on my students is transformational- even if just by little bits like a Harvard T-shirt.

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-Naida Grussing-Neitzel, Ed.S.