My day at the state capitol- lesson one


Two weeks ago I ventured out of my comfort zone and attended a lobby day at the state capitol. At the beginning, I didn’t really know why it was good for me to be there. I guess that I had always thought that was ‘someone else’s job’ to talk with legislators. I took the approach of observer and learner. In meeting with 3 legislators and observing a house committee meeting I came away from the experience knowing a lot more, emblazoned with the hope that legislators really do need to know what life is like for public educators in Minnesota and wanting to share my thoughts on the big education decisions in this session.

My first lesson was that I am a constituent. I am still amazed at the cultural experience it was to be at the capitol. The language used, the body language, and the busy offices full of quiet young people. It seemed that everyone I met had an aunt who was an educator but that doesn’t mean that you have any idea what a successful high poverty school looks like and, more importantly, what we need to eradicate the achievement gap. Make no mistake, it is important to me to honor the role that the legislators take on each year. It is honorable work. So, I encourage our elected officials to visit all kinds of schools so that they know first hand what our state needs for a first class educational system for ALL children.